Volatile Components of Quince Fruit (Cydonia oblonga Mill.)Elm bark beetle boring and deterrent from Phomopsis oblongaElm bark beetle boring and feeding deterrents from Phomopsis oblongaAnti-tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) triterpenoid saponins from the leaves of Ilex oblonga.(2S,3R)-2-aminododecan-3-ol, a new antifungal agent from the ascidian Clavelina oblonga.Development of cryopreservation based conservation approaches for Cydonia oblonga Mill. and Olea Europeae L.A preliminary characterization of some pectins from quince fruit ( Cydonia oblonga Mill.) and prickly pear ( Opuntia ficus indica )...Relationship between calcium and agar on vitrification and shoot-tip necrosis of quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) shoots in vitro.Assessment of Ovarian Follicles and Oviductal Eggs by Ultra-Sound Scanning in Live Freshwater Turtles, Chelodina oblongaThe neurophysiology of sleep and waking: intracerebral connections, functioning and ascending influences of the medulla oblongata