Obturator nerve entrapment. A cause of groin pain in athletes
Obturator hernia revisited: surgical anatomy, embryology, diagnosis, and technique of repair.
Trocar with multiple converters and detachable obturator
Basic principles of obturator design for partially edentulous patients. Part II: Design principles
Basic principles of obturator design for partially edentulous patients. Part II: Design principles. 1978 [classical article]
Basic principles of obturator design for partially edentulous patients. Part II: Design principles. 1978 [classical article]
Tension-free vaginal tape versus tension-free vaginal tape obturator in women with stress urinary incontinence.
Pulsed Radiofrequency Treatment of Articular Branches of the Obturator and Femoral Nerves for Management of Hip Joint Pain
83: Tension-free Vaginal Tape (TVT) and Trans-obturator Suburethral Tape From Inside to Outside (TVT-O) for Surgical Treatment of Fe...
Surgical Treatment of Female Stress Urinary Incontinence with a Trans-Obturator-Tape (T.O.T.) Uratape: Short Term Results of a Prosp...