- Cut the oddment, just remain the integer.
Oddment tactic in VMI system
Tesselland: A Mathematical Oddment
Categories of the Garden Architectural Oddment and Its Application in Gardens
Equivalence between the Inventory-Optimal Oddment Allocation and the Backorder-Optimal One
Oddment tray for motor vehicle, especially a glove compartment, glasses compartment or CD compartment, comprises a lighting mechanis...
Precise Measurement of Ultrasonic Transmission Time Using the Integral-oddment Separate Measuring Technology
Equivalence between the Inventory-Optimal Oddment Allocation and the Backorder-Optimal One零头分配中库存最优与缺货最优的等价性
A Novel Approach for Solving Triangular and Trapezoidal Intuitionistic Fuzzy Games Using Dominance Property and Oddment Method
A Novel Approach for Solving Triangular and Trapezoidal Intuitionistic Fuzzy Games Using Dominance Property and Oddment Method