Orchidaceous additions to the flora of Yunnan.Orchidaceous rhizoctonias from roots of nonorchids: mycelial and cultu...Orchidaceous rhizoctonias in pot cultures of vesicular–arbuscular myco...Effects of Orchidaceous rhizoctonias on the Growth of Dendrobium candidumOrchidaceous rhizoctonias from roots of nonorchids: mycelial and cultural characteristics of field and pot culture isolatesBasidiochrome – A Novel Siderophore of the Orchidaceous Mycorrhizal Fungi Ceratobasidium and Rhizoctonia sppSeedlings of Neuwiedia (Orchidaceae subfamily Apostasioideae) have typical orchidaceous mycotrophic protocormsStudies on the Constituents of Orchidaceous Plants. VII. The C-24 Stereochemistry of Cyclohomonervilol and 24-Isopropenylcholesterol...Studies on the constituents of orchidaceous plants. IV. Proton and carbon-13 signal assignments of cycloeucalenol-type triterpenes f...OCCURRENCE OF NON-CONVENTIONAL SIDE CHAIN STEROLS IN AN ORCHIDACEOUS PLANT, NERVILIA PURPUREA SCHLECHTER AND STRUCTURE OF NERVISTEROL