At That Point...In 1965,at the age of 29, SulochanaMandhareleft herhomein Maharash- tra, India, and came to the United States. At that point in her ...At that point, even 1 more month of epidemic growth would have generated thousands of Ebola cases per week. Luckily it didn’t happen.then the 25th (birthday) Arrived and at That Point I Wanted to Take a Decision about My Future': Time, Rhythmicity and Waithood in Y..."Chapman wasn't a legend at that point - he was just a mate"The social and scientific value of international data on performance at that pointRobbery in Iceland You are at that Point you Dont Give a Fxxx about Anything‘So what are you feeling at that point?’A Healthy Dose; Hospice Offers Its Patients a Sense of Tranquility and Calm at That Point, Hope Is Translated as Support, Comfort an...Almost at that darkest point before dawn