Iloathetheshoddinessof the boulevards,withtheirgaudycafesovergiltandoversumptuous, and their crowds of ill-dressed foreigners.
Theroofwasovergilt by the sunlight.
McQuaker warning over gilt exposureDampier fears buyers' strike over gilt plansGenomic-scale measurement of mRNA turnover and the mechanisms of action of the anti-cancer drug flavopiridolExpression and distribution of laminin alpha1 and alpha2 chains in embryonic and adult mouse tissues: an immunochemical approachEffect of fish meal replacement by plant protein sources on non-specific defence mechanisms and oxidative stress in gilthead sea bre...Dispositional optimism and the risk of cardiovascular death: the Zutphen Elderly StudyRelationship of gestation protein and feed intake level over a five-parity period using a high-producing sow genotypeEffects of carnosine supplementation to an all-plant protein diet for rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss )GILT is a critical host factor for Listeria monocytogenes infectionPrey depletion caused by overfishing and the decline of marine megafauna in eastern Ionian Sea coastal waters (central Mediterranean)