‘Most Courts Overvalue Closely-Held Stocks
Do investors overvalue firms with bloated balance sheets?
Do investors overvalue firms with bloated balance sheets? ☆
An Experimental Study of Highlight-Over-confidence-Overvalue in Stock Price
An Experimental Study of Highlight-Emotion-Overvalue on Stock Price In Investment Behavior
Two Plus Two Makes Five? Survey Evidence that Investors Overvalue Structured Deposits
Do some chronic pain patients with atypical facial pain overvalue and obsess about their pain?
High temporal discounters overvalue immediate rewards rather than undervalue future rewards: An event-related brain potential study
Analisis Peluang Kecenderungan Overvalue Atau Undervalue Harga Saham Perdana Dengan Metode Real Option Pada Bursa Efek Indonesia
HAQ-based utilities and SF6D systematically overvalue quality of life (QoL) in RA patients with severe RA, pain and psychological di...