privately owned私营的;私人拥有的
state owned国有的;国营的
wholly owned subsidiary全资子公司;全资附属机构;全资拥有子公司
- The first car I ever owned was a sunshine saloon.
我拥有的第一部车是敞篷餐车。 - Then the angel took away all the poet owned.
Quality of care in investor-owned vs not-for-profit HMOs.
Investor-owned and not-for-profit hospitals. A comparison based on California data
Competition, Policy Burdens, and State-Owned Enterprise Reform
State-Owned and Privately Owned Firms: An Empirical Analysis of Profitability, Leverage, and Labor Intensity
The ambitious entrepreneur : High growth strategies of women-owned enterprises
Politicians and banks: Political influences on government-owned banks in emerging markets ☆
Multinational Subsidiary Evolution: Capability and Charter Change in Foreign-Owned Subsidiary Companies (1998)
Multinational Subsidiary Evolution: Capability and Charter Change in Foreign-Owned Subsidiary Companies (1998)
Comparing Wages, Skills, and Productivity between Domestically and Foreign-Owned Manufacturing Establishments in the United States
Ownership and Performance in Competitive Environments: A Comparison of the Performance of Private, Mixed, and State-Owned Enterprises