- Since she was an only child, her parents pandered to her every whim.
由于她是独女,父母对她总是百依百顺。 - The newspapers there pander to people's interest in crime and violence.
Genetic parameters of test day records of British Holstein-Friesian heifers
Method and system for remotely managing communication of data used for predicting malfunctions in a plurality of machines
Correlation of FCGR3A and EGFR germline polymorphisms with the efficacy of cetuximab in KRAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer.
Ecological indicators for stream restoration success
The effects of weirs on structural stream habitat and biological communities
Activation of tumor-promoting type 2 macrophages by EGFR-targeting antibody cetuximab
Pharmacogenetics of EGFR and VEGF inhibition
The ecological value of stream restoration measures: An evaluation on ecosystem and target species scales
Identification of dopamine D4 receptor mRNA in circulating human lymphocytes using nested polymerase chain reaction.
Subjectification in gradable adjectives : Subjectification Various Paths to Subjectivity