PapilloedemaPapilloedemaPAPILLOEDEMAPapilloedema and the Landry-Guillain-Barré syndrome. Case reports and a reviewPseudopapilloedema with and without verified optic disc drusen. A clinical analysis I.Prevalence of papilloedema in patients with sleep apnoea syndrome: a prospective studyA clinical correlation between encephalopathy and papilloedema in Addison's disease.THE CLINICAL COURSE AND PATHOLOGY OF HYPERTENSION WITH PAPILLOEDEMA (MALIGNANT HYPERTENSION)Ocular sonography in patients with raised intracranial pressure: the papilloedema revisitedCommunicating hydrocephalus and papilloedema associated with intraspinal tumours: report of four cases and review of the mechanismsOptical coherence tomography of the retinal nerve fibre layer in mild papilloedema and pseudopapilloedemaFluorescein fundus photography in the detection of early papilloedema and its differentiation from pseudo-papilloedema.Idiopathic intracranial hypertension with and without papilloedema in a consecutive series of patients with chronic migraine.