The Paprica massively parallel processorPAPRICA-3: a real-time morphological image processorThe evolution of the PAPRICA systemThe PAPRICA SIMD array: Critical reviews and perspectivesThe PAPRICA SIMD array: Critical reviews and perspectivesDesign and Implementation of the PAPRICA Parallel Architecture[PAPRICA-2 study: Role of precipitating factor of an acute heart failure episode on medium-term prognosis].Methods for Red pigment Distinguishment and Measurement in Capsicum (Paprica)Desempenho e qualidade dos ovos de poedeiras comerciais, alimentadas com dietas contendo sorgo e paprica em substituicao ao milhoPAPRICA-2 study: Role of precipitating factor of an acute heart failure episode on intermediate term prognosis [Estudio PAPRICA-2: p...