Myonuclear loss in atrophied soleus muscle fibers.Oxidative stress in skeletal muscle atrophied by immobiIizationRepopulation of the atrophied thymus in diabetic rats by insulin-like growth factor IThe COX-2 pathway regulates growth of atrophied muscle via multiple mechanismsHydroxyl radical generation in skeletal muscle atrophied by immobilization.Mechanism of oxidative stress in skeletal muscle atrophied by immobilization.Issues with threshold masking in voxel-based morphometry of atrophied brainsPlasticity of myonuclear number in hypertrophied and atrophied mammalian skeletal muscle fibers.Statistical brain mapping of 18F-FDG PET in Alzheimer's disease: validation of anatomic standardization for atrophied brainsAutogenous mandibular bone grafts and osseointegrated implants for reconstruction of the severely atrophied maxilla: a preliminary r...