- They held a parley with the enemy.
他们和敌军进行商议。 - He arranged a parley with us.
- Then he began to parley with me.
然后他开始跟我谈判。 - The governor was forced to parley with the rebels.
The public health and economic benefits of taxing sugar-sweetened beverages.
An improved method for estimating the masses of stars with transiting planets
A 100-kyr periodicity in the flux of extraterrestrial 3He to the sea floor
Network mapping and bidding system
The role of sexual selection in the loss of sexually selected traits in the swordtail fish Xiphophorus continens
Planetary Construction Zones in Occultation: Discovery of an Extrasolar Ring System Transiting a Young Sun-like Star and Future Pros...
Atmospheric argon contamination of ocean island basalt olivine phenocrysts
Qatar-1b: a hot Jupiter orbiting a metal-rich K dwarf star
Effects of pre‐fermentation enzyme maceration on extraction and colour stability in Pinot Noir wine
WASP-24 b: A New Transiting Close-in Hot Jupiter Orbiting a Late F-star