part-time job兼职
part-time student兼职学生;部分时制学生;在职学生;半工半读生
- In American, seven out of ten mothers have paid jobs, either full time or part time. These include more than half of women with babies or young children.
在美国,有十分之七的妈妈有全职或兼职的带薪工作,其中超过一半妇女有婴儿或很小的小孩。 - But he said the part-time soldiers, who will serve about three weeks at a time, will not be directly involved in detaining people trying to cross the border illegally.
The Relationship Between the Employment of Part-Time Faculty and Student Degree and/or Certificate Completion in Two-Year Community ...
Nonstandard Employment Relations: Part-time, Temporary and Contract Work
c-Through: part-time optics in data centers
c-Through:part-time optics in data centers
The part-time parliament
Negative correlates of part-time employment during adolescence: Replication and elaboration.
The Part-Time Pay Penalty for Women in Britain *
Half A Job: Bad and Good Part-Time Jobs in a Changing Labor Market
The first part-time economy in the world: a model to be followed?
Effects of Part-Time Faculty Employment on Community College Graduation Rates