- People who express themselves through their clothes don't want to wear something viewed as passe.
Is Free Trade Passe?N-acetylcysteine -- passe-partout or much ado about nothing?Resultado do sorteio da obra "Passe Agora em Concursos Públicos – Ministério da Fazenda"Sur l'intensite du champ magnetique terrestre dans le passe historique et geologiqueEffects of chilling on the expression of ethylene biosynthetic genes in Passe-Crassane pear (Pyrus communis L.) fruitsCOMPETING THROUGH MANUFACTURING AND THE NEW MANUFACTURING PARADIGM: IS MANUFACTURING STRATEGY PASSE?Nuclear DNA from old collections of avian study skins reveals the evolutionary history of the Old World suboscines (Aves, Passerifor...Comparison of policies on vehicle ownership and use between Beijing and Shanghai and their impacts on fuel consumption by passenger ...THE GEOGRAPHY OF MITOCHONDRIAL DNA VARIATION, POPULATION STRUCTURE, HYBRIDIZATION, AND SPECIES LIMITS IN THE FOX SPARROW (PASSERELLA...Neural song control system of hummingbirds: Comparison to swifts, vocal learning (Songbirds) and nonlearning (Suboscines) passerines...