- Dense smoke spread all over the cabin.
浓烟蔓延整个客舱。 - There are toilets in the front and rear of the cabin.
Illumination system for passenger cabin illumination
Optimal cruise-liner passenger cabin pricing policy
Experimental parametric study of forced and mixed convection in a passenger aircraft cabin mock-up
Passenger aircraft cabin air quality: trends, effects, societal costs, proposals.
UWB Radiowave Propagation within the Passenger Cabin of a Boeing 737-200 Aircraft
UWB Radiowave Propagation within the Passenger Cabin of a Boeing 737-200 Aircraft
Effect of Human Presence on UWB Radiowave Propagation Within the Passenger Cabin of a Midsize Airliner
Characterization of UWB Channel Impulse Responses Within the Passenger Cabin of a Boeing 737-200 Aircraft
Passenger aircraft cabin air quality
Large-scale fire tests in a passenger cabin