PasteurellosisPasteurellosisPasteurellosisImmunization with bacterial antigens: pasteurellosis.Importance of neutrophils in the pathogenesis of acute pneumonic pasteurellosis in calves.SPONTANEOUS PASTEURELLOSIS IN CAPTIVE ROCKY MOUNTAIN BIGHORN SHEEP (OVIS CANADENSIS CANADENSIS): CLINICAL, LABORATORY, AND EPIZOOTIO...Pasteurellosis in cultured gilthead seabream ( Sparus aurata ): first report in SpainPasteurella haemolytica antigens associated with resistance to pneumonic pasteurellosis.Effect of oral administration of glucans on the resistance of gilthead seabream to pasteurellosis.Towards development of an edible vaccine against bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis using transgenic white clover expressing a Mannheim...Bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis: effect of vaccination with live Pasteurella speciesLetter to the editor: Prevention of experimental bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis by exposure to IBR virus.Bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis: effect of culture age of Pasteurella haemolytica used as a live vaccine