- Her husband is a better psychologist than he is a pathologist.
他丈夫作为心理学家要比作为病理学家出名。 - It appears that a Viennese pathologist has finally solved the case.
看来一位维也纳的病理学者终于对这一案件有了答案。 - The pathologist's report said he had been strangled.
A pathologist's approach to the treatment of ameloblastoma
The pathologist in the courtroom: peer review is needed.
Hodgkin's lymphoma: the pathologist's viewpoint
Surgical excision margins: a pathologist's perspective
The role of translation in neoplastic transformation from a pathologist's point of view
Trends in reporting Gleason score 1991 to 2001: changes in the pathologist's practice.
Interobserver reproducibility of Gleason grading of prostatic carcinoma: general pathologist.
Histopathological-Molecular Genetic Correlations in Referral Pathologist-Diagnosed Low-Grade “Oligodendroglioma”
Partial atrophy in prostate needle cores: another diagnostic pitfall for the surgical pathologist
Macroscopic evaluation of rectal cancer resection specimen: clinical significance of the pathologist in quality control