- The bank will guarantee payment even if your company were unable to pay.
即使货公司没法付款银行也自保证付款。 - How will I get you my banking details if I choose to receive payment by bank wire?
Pay, Performance, and Turnover of Bank CEOs
Pay, Performance, and Turnover of Bank CEOs
Does it Pay to be Transparent? International Evidence from Central Bank Forecasts
Payee match positive pay banking
Bank Financing in China’s Private Sector: The Payoffs of Political Capital
Banknote receipt and payout apparatus
Incentive pay and bank risk-taking: Evidence from Austrian, German, and Swiss banks
Wage Settlements in Manufacturing, 1979-84: Evidence From the CBI Pay Databank
Using econometric analysis of willingness-to-pay to investigate economic efficiency and equity of domestic water services in the Wes...
Apparatus for conveying, accommodating and paying out bank notes