- Pray that the new UN peacekeeping force entering Chad in March will help to prevent crimes against the innocent and uphold the rule of justice.
Understanding peacekeeping
The Evolution of United Nations Peacekeeping
United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: Principles and Guidelines
Dimensions of psychological stress in peacekeeping operations
An Agenda for Peace: preventative diplomacy, peacemaking and peacekeeping
Secondary traumatization in partners and parents of Dutch peacekeeping soldiers.
Posttraumatic stress disorder associated with peacekeeping duty in Somalia for U.S. military personnel.
Does Peacekeeping Keep Peace? International Intervention and the Duration of Peace After Civil War | International Studies Quarterly...
Combat and peacekeeping operations in relation to prevalence of mental disorders and perceived need for mental health care: findings...
Psychiatric symptomatology associated with contemporary peacekeeping: an examination of post-mission functioning among peacekeepers ...