La plaidoirie artistique — Reconstitution judiciaire dans l’oeuvre de Christian Patterson, Redheaded Peckerwood
Photographically unconcealing the crimes: Christian Patterson’s Redheaded Peckerwood and Heidegger’s aletheia
Peckerwood Hill: Americas Common Ground
The Grave on Peckerwood Hill
Method for attracting bird's nest of peckerwood and peckerwood
The night Johnny Ace died: life is hard in the honky-tonk. If the booze or the peckerwoods don't get you, there's still the Gin Fizz...
Peckerwood Garden: One man's personal oasis
The Tyee – 'Winter's Bone'
A Short History of Redneck: The Fashioning of a Southern White Masculine Identity
Sharing tacit design knowledge in a distributed design environment