p wave地震纵波
substance pP物质;[化]肽物质(即神经传递介质)
vitamin p[医]柠檬素
Autologous bone marrow transplantation versus intensive consolidation chemotherapy for acute myeloid leukemia in childhood. Pediatri...
TRAIL-induced death-inducing signaling complex (DISC) and its modulation by c-FLIP and PED/PEA-15 in glioma cells
PED/PEA-15 gene controls glucose transport and is overexpressed in type 2 diabetes mellitus
Pediatric vascular trauma practice patterns and resource availability: A survey of American College of Surgeon–designated pediatri...
Tuberculous Meningitis: Barriers to Adherence in Home Treatment of Children and Caretaker Perceptions | Journal of Tropical Pediatri...
PED/PEA interacts with the 67 kD laminin receptor and regulates cell adhesion, migration, proliferation and apoptosis
Sufivad Aur vaishnavvad ek hi ped ke do shakhayen hain Ek tulanatmak vishleshan
Impact of prematurity on admission to the neonatal nursery of a rural South African district hospital | Journal of Tropical Pediatri...
Correction to: Cervical pedicle screw instrumentation is more reliable with O-arm-based 3D navigation: analysis of cervical pedicle ...
Multiple regression in behavioral research : explanation and prediction