Mechanically Attrited Silicon for High Refractive Index NanocompositesOcclusion of tubules under superficially attrited dentineLinguistic Features of Attrited English Vocabulary Learned in Chinese ContextOcclusion of dentinal tubules under superficial attrited dentine.Morphological characterization and permeability of attrited human dentine.Scanning electron microscopy of attrited dentinal surfaces and subjacent dentin in human teethScanning electron microscopy of attrited dentinal surfaces and subjacent dentin in human teethMatrix metalloproteinases in human sclerotic dentine of attrited molars.Characterization of Mechanically Attrited Si/SiOx Nanoparticles and Their Self-Assembled Composite FilmsMechanical properties in tension of mechanically attrited nanocrystalline iron by the use of the miniaturized disk bend test