- Hopefully through exploring, a new angel for the better understanding of Atwood's literary works can be provided.
通过发掘,为更好地解读阿特伍德的文学作品提供新的视角。 - Atwood uses her particular writing method and style revealing her high sense of responsibility about protecting the environment and the problem of women.
Four Doctors [painting] | Halsted, William Stewart | Kelly, Howard Atwood | Osler, William | Welch, William Henry | Sargent, John Si...Shock-driven discrete vortex evolution on a high-Atwood number oblique interfaceThe Role of Trees in Shakespeare, Tolkien, and AtwoodJerry Atwood oral history interview and transcriptBluebeard revisited : in Margaret Atwood, Angela Carter and Shirley JacksonReview: Margaret Atwood's Cat's EyeProgress with Molecular Mixing Measurements {\&} High Atwood Number Experiments at Texas A{\&}M UniversityHunting the wren. Elizabeth Atwood Lawrence. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1997. 234 pp, US$...Exercise capacity and mortality among men referred for exercise testing ☆Rapid SNP discovery and genetic mapping using sequenced RAD markers.