- It was very perceptive of you to notice that.
你能注意到此事,真够敏锐的。 - Her books are full of perceptive insights into the humanity.
她的书充满了对人性敏锐的洞察力。 - He is a truly perceptive critic.
他确是一位很有眼力的批评家。 - The quality of writing is closely related with the writer's perceptive ability.
Perceptively based design of new car horn sounds
Perceptively based designe of new car horn sounds
Congress, Perceptively the Most Communal
Caring perceptively for the relinquishing mother
Perceptively free-ranging performances of Romantic classics
Effects of frequency "recoding"on the articulation learning of perceptively deaf children.
Perceived experiential correlates of apperceptively measured self-evaluations and effects in the late adolescent female.
Insightful investment methodology for the fulfilment of universal perceptively specialized development sustainability in the context...
Qualitative analysis of dermatoglyphics of the digito-palmar complex in children with severe recessive perceptively impaired hearing
I wrote that on 26th June 2016 in an email. I wasn’t alone. As Barry Shitpeas has perceptively observed: Why did Remainers become s...