- Based on the analysis of the current performance appraisal system, the paper tries to design the new performance appraisal system according to the Balanced Scoreboard theory.
在对目前绩效考核分析的基础上,以平衡记分卡理论为指导,对保税区管理委员会进行绩效示标体系设计。 - The index system of hotel service environmental performance was complex, some hotels had to evaluate from the nature, and it was not impersonality.
Performance appraisal: An organizational perspective.
Performance appraisal : assessing human behavior at work
Performance appraisal and management: The developing research agenda
Multiple uses of performance appraisal: Prevalence and correlates.
Understanding performance appraisal: Social, organizational, and goal-based perspectives.
The social context of performance appraisal: A review and framework for the future.
The Effect of Performance Appraisal System on Trust for Management: A Field Quasi-Experiment
Beyond attribution theory: Cognitive processes in performance appraisal.
The current state of performance appraisal research and practice: Concerns, directions, and implications.
Procedural justice in performance evaluation: The role of instrumental and non-instrumental voice in performance appraisal discussio...