permian period二叠纪
middle permian中二迭世
- Permian bioclastic limestone and bioherm are the most favorable reservoirs.
二叠系生屑灰岩和生物礁为最有利的储层。 - The clastic rocks in Permian System at the southeast area of Ordos Basin contain tremendous potential in exploration of natural gas.
- Cathaysian Flora extincted totally at the end of Permian.
华夏植物群在二叠纪末绝灭。 - During the Permian, the continents joined to form a single supercontinent, Pangaea.
Oceanic Anoxia and the End Permian Mass Extinction
Comparative Earth history and Late Permian mass extinction.
U/Pb zircon geochronology and tempo of the end-permian mass extinction
Pattern of Marine Mass Extinction Near the Permian-Triassic Boundary in South China
Ecosystem remodelling among vertebrates at the Permian|[ndash]|Triassic boundary in Russia
End-Permian to mid-Triassic termination of the accretionary processes of the southern Altaids: implications for the geodynamic evolu...
Accretion leading to collision and the Permian Solonker suture, Inner Mongolia, China: Termination of the central Asian orogenic belt
Accretion Leading to Collision and the Permian Solonker Suture, Inner Mongolia, China: Termination of the Central Asian Oragenic Belt
Middle Cambrian to Permian subduction-related accretionary orogenesis of Northern Xinjiang,NW China:Implications for the tectonic ev...
Middle Cambrian to Permian subduction-related accretionary orogenesis of Northern Xinjiang, NW China: Implications for the tectonic ...