- The whole affair is very perplexing.
整件事令人感到莫名其妙。 - The problems it created were very perplexing.
The Perplexing Borders of Justification and Excuse
Donnellon: Crosby Goal Still Perplexing Flyers
The perplexing multifunctionality of janusin, a tenascin-related molecule.
Perplexing effects of hippocampal lesions on latent inhibition: a neural network solution.
The perplexing functions and surprising origins of Legionella pneumophila type IV secretion effectors.
Propofol infusion syndrome: an overview of a perplexing disease.
The perplexing role of copper-zinc superoxide dismutase in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease)
Poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase: a perplexing participant in cellular responses to DNA breakage
Hyperplexing: a method for higher-order multiplexed quantitative proteomics provides a map of the dynamic response to rapamycin in y...
Perplexing Precedent: United States v. Stevens Confounds a Century of Supreme Court Conventionalism and Redefines the Limits of Ente...