- In an addition operation, a number or quantity added to the augend.
在加法运算中,加到被加数上的数或量。 - Thus, the augend and addend must each be small enough to fit within one memory location.
Augend launches 3 wide-format inkjets
GnRH receptors in human granulosa cells: anatomical localization and characterization by autoradiographic study.
Twice-daily pre-mixed insulin rather than basal insulin therapy alone results in better overall glycaemic control in patients with T...
"Linear kink effect"induced by electron valence band tunneling in ultrathin gate oxide bulk and SOI MOSFETS
Electrically driven hybrid Si/III-V Fabry-Pérot lasers based on adiabatic mode transformers
A Low-Power Multi-Gate FET CMOS Technology with 13.9ps Inverter Delay, Large-Scale Integrated High Performance Digital Circuits and ...
Advanced pMOSFET on germanium-on-insulator : low temperature properties.
CMOS device optimization for mixed-signal technologies
Growth of InAs/GaAs quantum dots on germanium-on-insulator-on-silicon (GeOI) substrate with high optical quality at room temperature...
High performance 70nm gate length germanium-on-insulator pMOSFET with high- k /metal gate