phillipsitephillipsitePhillipsiteEvaluation of phillipsite as cation exchanger in lead removal from waterThe crystal structure of the zeolite, phillipsiteApatite and phillipsite as sequestering agents for metals and radionuclides.Phillipsite synthesis from fly ash prepared by hydrothermal treatment with microwave heatingPhosphorus and potassium release from phillipsite-based slow-release fertilizersIon exchange selectivity of phillipsite for Cs and Sr as a function of framework compositionUtilization of NaCl for phillipsite synthesis from fly ash by hydrothermal treatment with microwave heatingOrigin, distribution and diagenesis of phillipsite and clinoptilolite in deep-sea sediments ☆Use of natural chabazite–phillipsite tuff in wastewater treatment from electroplating factories in JordanAnisotropic elastic behaviour and structural evolution of zeolite phillipsite at high pressure: A synchrotron powder diffraction study