PHON: A program to calculate phonons using the small displacement method ☆Polarons in ionic crystals and polar semiconductors:Antwerp Advanced Study Institute 1971 on Fröhlich polarons and electron-phonon ...Regulation of nonspecific acid phosphatase in Salmonella: phoN and phoP genes.Caractérisation des phonèmes de l'arabe standard en vue d'une reconnaissance automatique de la parole"Puerto, RICO en Variación", variation socio-phonétique et son auto-et hétérosurveillance par les locute...Isoprenoid Pathway Optimization for Taxol Precursor Overproduction in Escherichia coliStephanopoulos, G. Isoprenoid pathway optimization for Taxol precursor over production in Escherichia coliResource allocation for device-to-device communications underlaying LTE-advanced networksTerpenoids: opportunities for biosynthesis of natural product drugs using engineered microorganismsA novel compact ring dual-mode filter with adjustable second-passband for dual-band applications