- We acceded to his request.
我们同意他的请求。 - The only child acceded to the family estate.
这个独生子继承了家产。 - Queen Victoria acceded to the throne in 1837.
维多利亚女王于1837年即位。 - Our government acceded to the treaty.
Group Discussion as a Rhetorical Process: The Influence of the Small Group Setting on the Process of Accedence.
Resolution of the U.S. Senate concerning the Accedence ot the United STates to the Internatnional Court from Jan. 27, 1926
Subject matter and its arrangement in the accedence manuscripts and in the early printed long accidence and short accidence grammars
Some Notes on Milton's "Accedence Commenc't Grammar"
DOCUMENTS: The Answer to the American Reservation Regarding the Accedence to the International Court
Detecting Human from Environment: Using AI for embellishing preprocessing step of Human Accedence
A perlustration of Human Apprehension and Behavior Accedence in surroundings
Accedence commenc't grammar, supply'd with sufficient rules, for the use of such (younger or elder) as are desirous, without more tr...
И. И. Чироноваангло-русскийтолковыйюридическийсловарь