Pianette: Les Aventures de Pianette - pianoEnhancement of thermionic emission by lightZur Fazies und Genese Pliopleistozäner Braunkohlen SüditaliensA methodological approach to comparing pros and cons of delocalizing villages: socio-economic and technical issuesExcursions sur "Les Causses"de MinerveContributi alla storia della vegetazione e del clima nella Val Padana. Analisi pollinica del giacimento villafranchiano di Leffe (Be...To the effekt of residual clover- and manure nitrogen on the N-dynamics of ecological cultivated soils and the N-nutrition of cerealsElevated left atrial pressure estimated by Doppler echocardiography is a key determinant of mitral valve tenting in functional mitra...Working poor or making a living? The reality of low wages in Alberta.