aurora borealis北极光
aurora australis南极光
Extremely high latitude aurorasMitotic mechanics: the auroras come into viewMaking the Auroras glow: regulation of Aurora A and B kinase function by interacting proteinsA source of the energy for geomagnetic storms and aurorasDirect measurement of particles producing visible aurorasNorth‐south structures in the midnight sector auroras as viewed by the Viking imagerHigh-latitude geophysical studies with satellite Injun 3: 4. Auroras and their excitationThe spatial relationship of field-aligned currents and auroral electrojets to the distribution of nightside aurorasOn open and closed field line regions in Tsyganenko's field model and their possible associations with horse collar aurorasGenome-wide inhibitory impact of the AMPK activator metformin on [kinesins, tubulins, histones, auroras and polo-like kinases] M-pha...