Heterosis for egg production in white leghorn Australorp crossesGrowth Performance of Australorp x Tswana Crossbred Chickens under an Intensive Management SystemAvian leukosis virus and selection on oviposition interval in Australorp linesFactors affecting egg shell colour in crosses between Australorp and Rhode Island Red chickensThe metabolism of methionine by single comb white Leghorn and black Australorp chicks.Cross-breeding performance of white Leghorn and Australorp lines selected under continuous light for short interval between eggs: fu...Cross-breeding performance of White Leghorn and Australorp lines selected for short interval between eggs under continuous light. 1...Comparative Growth Performance of Cross-Bred (50% Orpington: 25% Australorp: 25% Tswana) and Pure-Bred Tswana Chickens under an Inte...Cross-breeding performance of White Leghorn and Australorp lines selected for short interval between eggs under continuous light. 2...Effects of restricted feeding in the growing and laying periods on the performance of White Leghorn by Australorp crossbred and Whit...