- The purpose is to observe the effect of LIDP with different pinprick methods, and then we can choose the best way to improve the effect.
Device for causing a pinprick to obtain and to test a drop of blood
Weighted pinprick sensory thresholds: A simple test of sensory function in diabetic peripheral neuropathy
India ink pinprick assessment of age-related changes in the cricoarytenoid joint (CAJ) articular surfaces.
Prognostic value of pinprick preservation in motor complete, sensory incomplete spinal cord injury
Allodynia and pinprick hypesthesia in acute herpes zoster, and the development of postherpetic neuralgia.
A comparison of cold, pinprick and touch for assessing the level of spinal block at caesarean section
Weighted needle pinprick sensory thresholds: a simple test of sensory function in diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
Differential spread of blockade of touch, cold, and pinprick during spinal anesthesia
The Sympathetic Nervous System Contributes to Capsaicin-Evoked Mechanical Allodynia But Not Pinprick Hyperalgesia in Humans
Effects of intravenous ketamine, alfentanil, or placebo on pain, pinprick hyperalgesia, and allodynia produced by intradermal capsai...