Minimum energy analysis of membrane deformation applied to pipet aspiration and surface adhesion of red blood cellsRapid flow of passive neutrophils into a 4 microns pipet and measurement of cytoplasmic viscosity.Use of filtered pipet tips to elute DNA from agarose gels.Nanoscale pipetting for controlled chemistry in small arrayed water droplets using a double-barrel pipet.Adjustable micro-dispensing liquid pipetProgrammable pipet apparatusNew Membrane Concept Applied to Analysis of Fluid Shear-Deformed and Micropipet-Deformed Red Blood-CellsAllergen-specific immunotherapy in allergic rhinitis and asthma. Mechanisms and proof of efficacy.Micropipet-Assisted Formation of Microscopic Networks of Unilamellar Lipid Bilayer Nanotubes and ContainersMultipipet