Planetesimal dissolution in the envelopes of the forming, giant planetsCollisional Cascades in Planetesimal Disks I. Stellar FlybysAccelerated planetesimal growth in self-gravitating protoplanetary discsCollisional Cascades in Planetesimal Disks. II. Embedded PlanetsPARTICLE CLUMPING AND PLANETESIMAL FORMATION DEPEND STRONGLY ON METALLICITYPlanetary migration in a planetesimal disk: why did Neptune stop at 30 AU?Orbital Evolution of Planets Embedded in a Planetesimal DiskDirect Large-Scale N -Body Simulations of Planetesimal DynamicsThermal evolution of Earth and Moon growing by planetesimal impactsThe insignificance of P-R drag in detectable extrasolar planetesimal belts