- They eat planktonic crustaceans and fish larvae.
STUDIES OF MARINE PLANKTONIC DIATOMSStudies of marine planktonic diatoms.Diversity of planktonic foraminifera in deep-sea sediments.Stable Isotopes and Planktonic Trophic Structure in Arctic LakesSTUDIES OF MARINE PLANKTONIC DIATOMS:II. USE OF CYCLOTELLA NANA HUSTED...STUDIES OF MARINE PLANKTONIC DIATOMS: III. SOME EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE...The influence of humic substances on lacustrine planktonic food chainsStudies on marine planktonic diatoms. 1. Cyclotella nana Hustedt and Detonula confervacea (Cleve) GranStudies of marine planktonic diatoms. 2. Use of Cyclotella nana Hustedt for assays of vitamin B12 in seawater.Effects of Size and Concentration of Food Particles on the Feeding Behavior of the Marine Planktonic Copepod Calanus pacificus