Isoplanogametes in BlastocladiaThe life-history and physiology of Synchytrium fulgens Schroet., with special reference to its sexuality.Visualizing the Spatial Arrangement of Flagella-Eyespots-Cell Fusion Sites in Gametes and Planozygotes of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii ...Behavior of Flagella and Eyespot during Fertilization of Anisogametes in Caulerpa racemosa (Forsskal) J. Agardh var. laetevirens (Mo...Behavior of flagella and flagellar root systems in the planozygotes and settled zygotes of the green alga Bryopsis maxima Okamura (U...Eyespot Behavior during the Fertilization of Gametes in Ulvalean Alga Enteromorpha compressa (Linnaeus) Nees Revealed by Field Emiss...Sex-Specific Cell Fusion Pattern of Isogametes in Marine Green Alga, Acetabularia caliculus (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta)Production of anisogametes and gamete motility dimorphism in Monostroma angicavaPLANOZYGOTE DIVISION AND OTHER OBSERVATIONS ON THE SEXUAL CYCLE OF SEVERAL SPECIES OF DINOPHYSIS (DINOPHYCEAE, DINOPHYSIALES) 1Flagellar apparatus of male gametes and other aspects of gamete and zy...