PlanosolsPlanosolsPlanosolsLes planosols de Champagne HumideGenesis of two planosols in Massif Central, France.Genesis of two Planosols in the Massif Central, France ☆Planosols in the "Champagne humide"region, France. A multi-approach studyAnsammlungen von biogenem Opal im A2-Horizont eines PlanosolsMagnetic imprints of pedogenesis in Planosols and Stagnic Alisol from BulgariaRESEARCH ON SOME PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND IMPROVEMENT OF PLANOSOLSRevisiting ferrolysis processes in the formation of Planosols for rationalizing the soils with stagnic properties in WRBLes sols "Harde"du Nord Cameroun (sols halomorphes, sols lessivés, planosols, sols hydromorphes) : Mise au point bibliographiqueThe effect of pedological conditions on the sources and sinks of silicon in the Vertic Planosols in south-western Ethiopia