Playacting: A D'Var Torah on Parshat Hukkat
"We're not playacting here": Self-Reflexivity in the Taiwanese Idol-Drama
「這又不是演戲」 "We're not playacting here": Self-Reflexivity in the Taiwanese Idol-Drama
Pyramid codes, playacting and veiled Israelite histories: pre-critical Biblical interpretation and Victorian archaeology
[TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] "We're not playacting here": self-reflexivity in the Taiwanese idol-drama
Methods & tools: Playacting and focus troupes:: theater techniques for creating quick, intense, immersive, and engaging focus group ...
The Virtuality of Virtual Worlds, or What We Can Learn from Playacting Horse Girls and Marginalized Developers
A Study of the Red Blind and Gabjang on the Playacting Stage at the Royal Palace under King Sunjo -Focusing on Repairs and Installat...
Books in Motion: Connecting Preschoolers with Books Through Art, Games, Movement, Music, Playacting, and Props
A Study on the Types and Functions of the Red Blinds(朱簾) used in Playacting Stages of the Royal Court in the Late Joseon Dynasty