AutoclaveAutoclaveAutoclaveAutoclave capable chip-scale packageAutoclave age forming large aluminum aircraft panelsWet autoclave pretreatment for retrieval in diagnostic immunohistochemistryApplying case-based reasoning to autoclave loadingWet autoclave pretreatment for antigen retrieval in diagnostic immunohistochemistryAutoclave-induced digestion for the colorimetric determination of silicon in rice strawPreparation, Densification and Characterization of Autoclave Dried SiO2 GelsHydrated autoclave pretreatment enhances tau immunoreactivity in formalin-fixed normal and Alzheimer's disease brain tissuesEffects of mechanical compression and autoclave treatment on the backbone clusters in the Al 86 Ni 9 La 5 amorphous alloyComparative Study of Antigen Retrieval Heating Methods: Microwave, Microwave and Pressure Cooker, Autoclave, and Steamer