PLUMBISM.plumbismPLUMBISM.Gunshot-induced plumbism in an adult male.Chronic plumbism in children. Diagnosis by hair analysis.Neurologic Sequelae of Plumbism in ChildrenConcentrations of Lead in Bone in Plumbism.RENAL FUNCTION SUBSEQUENT TO CHILDHOOD PLUMBISM.Plumbism from airborne lead in a firing range. An unusual exposure to a toxic heavy metal.Plasma Renin Activity in Chronic Plumbism: Effect of TreatmentNormal auditory brainstem and cochlear function in extreme pediatric plumbism.Knowledge of diagnosis and reproductive history among survivors of childhood plumbism.A 50-year follow up of the long-term consequences of childhood plumbism. 3. Hypertension, renal function, and hematopoiesis among su...