Plummy Accents
Spectator editor `too plummy' for Radio 4
James's Girl Goes from Geordie to Plummy
Plummy Prince Charlie; Niven's Posh Pretender Is Voted Worst Movie Highlander
Air and Graces! Donna Goes from Geordie to Plummy
Let's start a conga! bawled one plummy voice.The angriest turbo-Trot would've had to admit it was a pretty feeble protest
Yes, I Do Have a Plummy Voice but I'll Feel at Home When I Make My Debut with Rab C; SUPERCOOL ACTRESS RETURNS TO COMEDY _ AND TO HE...
Focus: The Class War: The Establishment Maybe A Little Shaken but Still Going Strong - Media: It's Not All Plummy on the Airwaves
THE BRITS STORM BROADWAY ; Just What Is It about a Plummy Accent and an Existential Script That Americans Love So Much? Tom Riley, A...
WELCOME TO CRA PLAND; We Paid PS1300 to Fly 1200 Miles to See Santa.And Got a Plummy-Voiced Englishman in a False Beard with No Pres...