Polarisability and dielectric constant of ionic crystals
The electronic polarisability of oxygen in glass and the effect of composition
Switching of molecular second-order polarisability in solution
Quantum theory of optical bistability. I. Nonlinear polarisability model
Proton polarisability contribution to the Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen at fourth order in chiral perturbation theory
The dipolarity/polarisability of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium ionic liquids as function of anion structure and the alkyl chain length
Remarks concerning molecural interaction and their influence on the polarisability
New empirical models of substituent polarisability and their application to stabilisation effects in positively charged species
Reversible switching of the first hyperpolarisability of an NLO-active donor–acceptor molecule based on redox interconversion of th...
Finite-field method calculations. IV. Higher-order moments, dipole moment gradients, polarisability gradients and field-induced shif...