- Risotto, like polenta and grits, is one of those dishes to which the maxim "patience is a virtue"is frequently applied.
A simplified view of blazars: clearing the fog around long-standing selection effectsCardiovascular Risk In Cushing's SyndromeOn the main irradiation-induced defect in GaNThe BOOMERanG experiment and the curvature of the universeCMB Polarization Systematics, Cosmological Birefringence and the Gravitational Waves BackgroundHEATED OR COOLED ITEM OF CLOTHINGAir and immersion heat treatments affect ethylene production and organoleptic quality of ‘Dixiland’ peaches ☆A simplified view of blazars: the γ-ray caseThe Measurement of Quality-Adjusted Price ChangesCombined pre-storage heat treatment and controlled atmosphere storage reduced internal breakdown of ‘Flavorcrest’ peach