Dynamic epidermal cooling during pulsed laser treatment of port-wine stain. A new methodology with preliminary clinical evaluation.
Thermal Relaxation of Port-Wine Stain Vessels Probed In Vivo: The Need for 1-10-Millisecond Laser Pulse Treatment.
Treatment of a nonresponding port-wine stain with a new pulsed light source (PhotoDerm VL)
Cryogen spray cooling and higher fluence pulsed dye laser treatment improve port-wine stain clearance while minimizing epidermal dam...
Imaging blood flow in human port-wine stain in situ and in real time using optical Doppler tomography.
Effect of dynamic cooling on 585-nm pulsed dye laser treatment of port-wine stain birthmarks
Description and analysis of treatments for port-wine stain birthmarks.
Both the flashlamp-pumped dye laser and the long-pulsed tunable dye laser can improve results in port-wine stain therapy
Laser energy threshold for thermal vascular injury in a port-wine stain skin model
Locus for susceptibility for familial capillary malformation ('port-wine stain') maps to 5q