prawn cracker龙虾片;虾片
king prawn宽沟对虾;大虾;国王明虾
- DO in the Giant tiger prawn desalting culture pond was in disequilibrium, the outgoings outweighed the incomings.
斑节对虾淡化养殖塘溶氧处于支大于收的不平衡状态。 - Using the ultrafiltration technique, diurnal and continual dynamics of DOC and COC were studied in the prawn ecosystem.
运用切向超滤技术对中国对虾培养系统进行了研究。 - The guests were served prawn cocktails as an appetizer.
客人点明虾鸡尾酒当开胃酒。 - Basel parsley and olive oil is bland with strange flavor, keeping the original taste of charcoal grilled prawn.
The tolerance of warm-water prawn to recirculated water
Genetic mapping of the kuruma prawn Penaeus japonicus using AFLP markers.
Modifications to reduce bycatch in prawn trawls: A review and framework for development
Identification and localization of a prawn white spot syndrome virus gene that encodes an envelope protein.
Life History Evolution in Guppies: III. The Impact of Prawn Predation on Guppy Life Histories
The development and application of genetic markers for the Kuruma prawn Penaeus japonicus
Gene expression in haemocytes of kuruma prawn, Penaeus japonicus , in response to infection with WSSV by EST approach
Removal of copper from aqueous solution by chitosan in prawn shell: adsorption equilibrium and kinetics
Effects of dietary lipids, fatty acids, and phospholipids on growth and survival of prawn ( Penaeus japonicus ) larvae
Comparison of baited remote underwater video stations (BRUVS) and prawn (shrimp) trawls for assessments of fish biodiversity in inte...