用作动词 (v.)
~+名词~+副词- preach austerely严肃地布道
- preach independently独立地传道
- preach tiresomely令人心烦地说教
- preach zealously狂热地鼓吹
- preach down贬损,当众折服
- preach up鼓吹,赞扬
~+介词- preach against宣传反对
- preach about sth因某事而唠叨
- preach at sb向某人传道
- preach a funeral from the pulpit在布道坛上致悼词
- preach on a subject就某一题进行宣讲
- preach to deaf ears对牛弹琴
grant, allow, preach, fund
- The priest preached a sermon on the need of charity.
牧师在布道会上宣讲慈爱的必要。 - Those people go around preaching revolution.
那些人到处宣扬革命。 - Christ preached that we should love each other.
基督在布道中说人们应该互敬互爱。 - She preached economy as the best means of solving the crisis.
- The priest preached to the congregation about the Sermon on the Mount.
那位祭司就山中圣训向会众说教。 - Our teacher always preaches at me about being late for school.
Should physicists preach what they practice?
Let's Practice What We Preach: Turning Tables into Graphs
Let’s Practice What We Preach: Turning Tables into Graphs in Statistic Research
Practicing what we preach? An analysis of the curriculum of values in medical education.
Why don't we practice what we preach? A meta-analytic review of religious racism
Do project managers practice what they preach, and does it matter to project success?
Early childhood education teachers: Do they practice what they preach?
Experts practice what they preach: A descriptive study of best and normative practices in end-of-life discussions.
Teaching clinical medicine by iterative hypothesis testing. Let's preach what we practice
Evaluating Stocking Rate Impacts in Rangelands: Animals Don't Practice What We Preach.